Saturday, February 02, 2008

Much to think about

It's good to be back in the shop! Many ideas going through my head right now, one plate's going and I thought about a series continuation as well. Originally, "Stage Presence" was going to be the kickoff for a series on ways that people express themselves that aren't always understood or accepted by most people. I would still like to do that, but after I went to a show last weekend and got a lot of sweet photos, I decided to continue the series off of "Stage Presence" with more metal-related images. I have a lot of great photos to work from, many of them kind of surreal when I didn't use my flash, and I would like to find ways to mesh them together. This will be fun!


libbyhansen said...

These are AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see what you do with them!

Meagan said...

I really like the ones that show the motion the most, I'm assuming those are the ones without flash?

DaniL said...

Yup, those are sans flash. I try not to use my flash as much as possible when I'm taking pictures of bands 'cause I don't want to blind them =D And also because the stage lights get drowned out a lot. Sometimes it's kind of a crapshoot, but this time around it worked out really well.

Anonymous said...

Hey Danielle

Whats up with the McCaen (I spelled his name wrong- what disrespect)visit on Friday? Let me know cause I want to check it out