Thursday, January 24, 2008

Nearly time to return!

Wow, this break really flew! That's good, though. I was dreading a long agonizing descent into frigid madness...but not so =) I wasn't quite as productive as I was hoping, but then again I always get for too ambitious and don't end up doing even half the things I had in mind. I did do quite a bit of reading and writing, some drawing, a little painting, some guitar playing. Lots of much needed rest and relaxation time. And I spent several late nights having amazing conversations with Daniel (yup, "Stage Presence"), and discovering a chemistry that I didn't realize was there before. This will more than likely have an influence on my artwork, and it will be unusual to express pieces of myself in prints that I haven't before. I am looking forward to it, though. I am extremely eager to get back in the shop of love!!!

Here are a few winter images-one I've been working on and two from last winter that I never got around to putting up.

Untitled-acrylic and spray paint on canvas

This one's still in the works, started a few weeks ago, but thought I'd put up what I've got so far because I think it's coming along nicely. I'm not exactly sure what else I want to do with it besides fixing some things up, but it will work itself out, like things always seem to do in expressionism.

"Tearing at your soul"-charcoal and acrylic on paper

This one is from last winter. Another blah, cabin fever restless kind of day and I felt like being loud and making a mess, so I cranked some metal, courtesy of And Hope to Die, and went to town, working along with my mood and the music. I definitely felt a lot better afterward! The title is from an AHTD lyric (again, stealing Daniel's lyrics. Thanks, love!)

"Blue"-charcoal and acrylic on paper

This is also from last winter. I had been looking at a lot of artwork by Marilyn Manson and this was slightly influenced by that. Last winter was pretty rough mentally; definitely had some bad seasonal affective disorder going on. Dark images interest me anyway, but this was mostly a spontaneous outburst of cabin fever.


libbyhansen said...

Sweet pieces! I especially love the top one. You were more art productive than me over break. Good to see that someone has drive. But, no one can underestimate rest and down time. I've been rejuvenated by lots of quality time with the kids and their schedules! See you Monday. ;)

lachness said...

excited to see you and some new images from you!!!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the emotional qualities of your work! Also, I am fascinated by the visual effects of the acrylic paint with spray paint.