Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Print Arts Northwest

Today we were talking about checking out other artists to become better ourselves, and it made me think of the kickass print gallery I went to when I was in Portland a couple of summers ago. There were hundreds of amazing prints in there, and so many fantastic artists. I found the website, and it's got links to a bunch of great work. I know I have all of my favorites from when I was there written down somewhere, but check it all out! Maybe it'll provide some inspiration. (Click on the photo and it'll take you to the site-I feel so blog-savvy!)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

In the works...and baby work!

Violence Against Women Series-

I'm FINALLY getting these posted. This is the series I started as a "baby" printmaker. Our "atrocity" assignment inspired the first print, and I just went from there. It was the first time I had ever explored content like this in my artwork, the first time I had ever been so graphic. That ability is what made me fall in love with printmaking. I did a lot of self-discovery and growing up as an artist during that first semester. It was a little scary making images that I knew would be controversial, but now it's what I live for. I've done a lot of work since these, and will continue with this series because, sadly, there is still a lot of ground I haven't covered in it.

"Alleged Purity"-Line etch, aquatint, drypoint

In several countries in Africa and the Middle East, female genital mutilation is still practiced regularly. FGM involves anything from removal of the clitoral hood to complete removal of the external genitalia and sewing the vaginal opening, leaving only a small hole to allow for urination and menstruation. This is done with no anesthesia and usually in extremely unsanitary conditions, using blunt or rusty instruments which cause infections and other complications that may lead to death.

"Tough Love"-line etch, aquatint, drypoint
Emotional and psychological abuse in relationships, while not leaving any physcial scars, nonetheless damage countless people every day. Through manipulation and control, abusers diminish the self worth and identities of their partners and leave them feeling lost, isolated, and helpless in a cycle that does not end until the relationship is over or drastic personal changes are made. This image is based on the first long term relationship I was in, all throughout high school, which became a very negative situation. Thankfully I was able to realize it and leave relatively easily. A lot of women can't.

"Burned Alive"-line etch, aquatint, drypoint, multiplate

In many Middle Eastern countries, "honor killings" are a common occurrence. This image is based on the book Burned Alive, the autobiographical account of a woman who survived an attempted honor killing. She was doused in gasoline and set on fire by a brother-in-law when her family discovered that she was pregnant out of wedlock. If a woman is even suspected of premarital sex or adultery, families have them shot, stabbed, or beaten to death. The murderers are sometimes given light sentences for their crimes, but usually go unpunished because they are seen as doing good by "upholding the family honor". This is an example of double standards to the extreme, as men are not punished for premarital sex or infidelity, and can even get away with murder.

"Tools of War"-line etch, aquatint, drypoint
This print is based on a piece from Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues entitled "My Vagina Was My Village". It focuses on the use of rape as a tactic of war used against Bosnian women. In the present day war against Iraq as well, women have endured rape and sexual assault from soldiers. Death and casualties from battle are not the only way that war hurts populations. Violence against women is a significant and tragic part of war that usually goes unnoticed by the general public.

"Where have Bombay's daughters gone?"-line etch, drypoint
In India and other poverty-stricken countries, desperate families are often forced to sell their daughters to brothels for what amounts to very little money in American dollars. Parents believe that their girls will be better off since they will have food and a roof over their heads. However, these girls, many of whom are not even old enough to have begun menstruating, are made to "serve" as many as thirty men a day, are beaten and abused, and receive little to no money during their time at the brothels. The physical and psychological damage form multiple instance of rape leads some of these girls to suicide as a means of escape.

"No More"- line etch, aquatint, drypoint

"If there's war between the sexes then there'll be no people left"-Joe Jackson

And here's some new stuff-these are in the works, or monoprints I just pulled from the top of my head. I'll delve into details as I progress with them.

Tiger(Lily)-line etch, aquatint, monotype

Inhaling Depleted Uranium-aquatint, drypoint, subtractive method

Erupting Heart-monotype

Worship-monotype, charcoal pencil

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Much to think about

It's good to be back in the shop! Many ideas going through my head right now, one plate's going and I thought about a series continuation as well. Originally, "Stage Presence" was going to be the kickoff for a series on ways that people express themselves that aren't always understood or accepted by most people. I would still like to do that, but after I went to a show last weekend and got a lot of sweet photos, I decided to continue the series off of "Stage Presence" with more metal-related images. I have a lot of great photos to work from, many of them kind of surreal when I didn't use my flash, and I would like to find ways to mesh them together. This will be fun!