Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ideas ideas...

This is a drawing I did of my friend Dan; just something to keep me occupied when I wasn't cracking the mic at work on Sunday morning. I really like this image, and I'd like to incorporate it into a print. I was thinking about it some more and realized I could start a whole series from this, based around ways that people express themselves that a lot of others may not completely understand. Like, using this image as an example, metal music. A lot of people probably think it sounds like angry noise, but go to a show and you can definitely feel a sense of love and community. And it takes major guts and talent to be able to be in front of a crowd and vocalize like that. So, yeah...appreciating non conventional modes of expression...I'm getting more ideas...and there's not even a month of the semester left!!! Shitty.


lachness said...

and the print looks great!!!!

lachness said...

and the print looks great!!!!