Saturday, March 29, 2008


Like a Tidal Wave-line etch, multiplate monotype

Yet another deep line etch-altogether, this plate spent about 36 hours in the acid (including aquatinting time). I printed the image in black and white, then resoaked the paper and reprinted it with the color painted on plexiglass. The text is written on after it's printed, so that I can alter it with every edition. This is a new direction for me as far as content goes. I wanted to explore the expression of the romantic/sexual aspect of my personality in my work, which I haven't really done before. It certainly helps that I now have plenty of inspiration for it, and someone in my life with whom I can openly express it. I love the way this came out and am eager to continue experimenting with this new area of subject matter, as it is quite different from what I usually do.

Two Possible Outcomes-line etch

This one is not completely finished; some aquatinting is in order, I think. I did this drawing immediately after a discussion in my Violence against Women class that focused on battered women who kill their abusers. The justice system definitely works against these women in a lot of cases. In this image, I wanted to depict what would possibly happen in two scenarios-one where the victim kills her abuser and one where the abuser kills his victim. She would be more likely to be charged with first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison, even if she had no previous criminal history and evidence of domestic abuse was present. He would be more likely to be charged with manslaughter, and could even be released in a few short years. This is exemplary of the way domestic violence is still not taken seriously in our society, and the way victim blaming is a system which prevents victims from the justice they deserve.


The Greatest Word in the English Language-line etch
This is an idea I've had for awhile, just kind of a silly print. I drop f-bombs abundantly, and I thought about all the different ways in which the word "fuck" can be used. It's pretty universal. It can be a verb, an adjective, a noun...used in negative or positive's just a great word. I looked in the dictionary and found several definitions and variations of it, and used urban dictionary to fill in the rest of the space.

If storm clouds could bleed-monotype

Dissentigration-line etch, monotype
This one is still in the works, as I added some aquatint to the background, but this is one of the first proofs I pulled. Yet another deep line etch. This image came to mind after hearing about plans to install microchips in consumer goods to track purchases, and it got me thinking about the chips that are being implanted in people (which they volunteered to have done...). It's a scary thought, something out of Orwell or Huxley. What if you were implanted without your knowledge, what if these things could be developed to mess with your mind and make you some sort of drone? With all the secrecy and manipulation that goes on from those in power, thoughts like that don't seem too far fetched.

Dancing in Twilight-monotype

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Incredible prints!!!!Great to see and hear about newly inspired passions.

I enjoyed hearing you talk about your work at the last critique. ---also, I enjoyed the writings about each print.