"Regurgitation" line etch, aquatint
This image is a commentary on the impossibility of arguing with stubborn, arrogant neocons (examples in the media: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly...). The same talking points are always used over and over, most of which are totally irrelevant to the discussion, and if someone attempts to legitimately argue the facts, they can't get a word in edgewise because they're covered in conservative word vomit. I've yelled at my television/radio many a time listening to these "debates" in which anyone presenting a different viewpoint is ridiculed, drowned out, and cut off. It's frustrating!
"Question Everything" Monotype
...we need to...
"Distance" Charcoal pencil, India Ink
From figure drawing-not finished (and my proportions are kind of skewed), but I like the narrative of the pose.
"Infected Waterfall" Monotype
"Devil's Advocate" Graphite
The marionette is a military recruiter-this fall I became very interested in counterrecruitment after reading Army of None. This is a drawing I did for the zine a group of people from the UW-L progressives want to put together to hand out at high schools.
"Deoxyribonucleic Flowers" Monotype
"Stage Presence" line etch, aquatint, selective wiping
Here is the print that I did based on the drawing of my friend Dan in an earlier post. Again, this is a depiction of ways that people express themselves that not everyone understands, and I plan on continuing with this theme for a series. The text is one of Dan's lyrics, which I incorporated because I wanted to add a bit more of a personal touch to the image, and also because there needed to be something in that white space. In the colors, I wanted to go for the look of lights at a show and think that I achieved it fairly well. This was an interesting endeavor for me because it's the first time I've ever really done a portrait in this medium. I'd like to play around with different color schemes some more. Another big thank you to Dan for letting me use this lyric and for being a great subject =)
I've posted this one before, but this is the best print I've pulled so far of it. The text is clear and registration is spot on! One of my goals this semester was to do a successful three-plate multiplate image, and I am happy that I was able to achieve that goal.